
Reports, videos and analysis on the Green Economy.

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Reducing emissions from aviation: carbon offsetting?

In October 2016 member countries of the UN’s International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) will meet to discuss how to reduce emissions from aviation. These two briefings offer opposing views on whether carbon offsetting should be included in this agreement via a global market-based mechanism.

The politics of green transformations

There are growing calls for green transformations. This book explores what this means in practice and who will push it forward. “Transformations are inevitably multiple and contested” and so “politics and power are important to how pathways are shaped, which pathways win out and why, and who benefits from them”

The Green Shock Doctrine (GJEP)

This report strongly criticises the green economy arguing it is a false solution to address climate change. GJEP say it is too late to simply reform the global economy. It needs to be transformed.

Unburnable carbon 2013 (Carbon Tracker/LSE)

Carbon Tracker / April 2013 This report argues 60-80% of total fossil fuels reserves (oil, coal and gas) are technically ‘unburnable’ if we want to reduce the chances of the global temperature increasing by 2°C. Instead of continuing to invest in fossil fuel exploration (estimated […]

Key messages for COP20 (Social PreCOP)

The Social PreCOP climate change summit brought together representatives of over 40 governments and nearly 80 civil society organisations. The meeting was held in Venezuela between 4- 7 November 2014. It was an unprecedented meeting of grassroots groups with governments in the build up to the official UN climate change negotiations, the next major conference will be held in Peru during December 2014

Country Resource Maps (Global Sustainability Institute)

Using data from many sources these maps illustrate important trends in the availability of freshwater, food, oil, coal and natural gas. There are also maps showing the countries with the highest debt (government and private) and levels of income inequality.

Planetary Boundaries: Talking Green Economy with Johan Rockstrom

Leading scientist Johan Rockstrom explains the concept of planetary boundaries which proposes there is a safe operating space for human development. The concept has risen up the global agenda in recent years because: Mounting scientific evidence shows the planet is a complex interconnected system that […]

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